Word of 2016: YES!

9:09 AM

Like it our not, the new year brings an influx of resolutions and big yearly expectations. I've never been one to set big New Year's resolutions aside from your typical live healthier - and the fact that it's always the same can tell how successful I am every year. :)

A while ago a dear friend of mine started adopting a word of the year in lieu of a resolution. A word she'd keep in mind all year and live by. She'd write it on her bathroom mirror and in her planner, referencing it often and mindfully implementing it into her daily life. I always liked this idea and have decided to follow in her steps.

Two-thousand sixteen will be the year of YES. Yes to new opportunities, yes to travel, yes to meeting new people and trying new things, yes to the things that might be intimidating and scary, yes to new projects, yes to things I'd normally say no to out of fear or laziness. Yes to living healthier (ha, like how I snuck it in?). Yes to whatever life throws my way.

Making 2016 the year of yes is a tall order, I know. But I think it's my perfect first word of the year and I look forward to where it will take me. Do you set New Year's resolutions? Or have a word of the year? If so I'd love to hear about it in the comments below.

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