29 Things from 29 Years

11:00 AM

I've only been 29 for a few months and have several more to go before hitting the big three zero. In light of this looming milestone, however, I've decided to do some early reflection on life and what I've learned during my tender years on this planet so that I can finish out my twenties in style, with a sense of knowledge, humbleness and gratitude. So here's a list of 29 things I've learned in 29 years:

1. Only boring people are bored.
2. Find work you love - life is too short to do something you hate.
3. Travel - to see the world, experience new cultures, eat new foods.
4. Have fun - go out with girlfriends, hit the parties, get excited about things and have a blast!
5. But not too much fun - it took almost the whole 29 years to learn that fun is even funner when you aren't poppin aspirin in bed all the next day.
6. That craving for chocolate (or pizza or cake), will go away - even if you don't indulge.
7. Reading a good book is far better than watching a shitty tv show.
8. Friendship takes work - but for those that matter, it's worth it.
9. Family matters. Even if you can't stand them or don't like them. Make the effort.
10. Not everything belongs on Facebook, or Instagram, or Twitter.
11. It doesn't matter what other people think, unless they're on your list.
12. You don't always have to be nice. Coming from the South, this was a big part of my identity for a long time, but you don't have to smile and you don't have to be nice. Especially if your having a bad day and/or someone's being rude/annoying/inappropriate.
13. Being nice and being kind are different. And you should always be kind.
14. Love with your whole heart and like there's no tomorrow - it's the best.
15. Credit cards are evil and you should never ever use one, ever. (Unless your partner helps you manage the budget.)
16. Good sleep is everything.
17. You don't have to apologize for being you. Ever.
18. Being sincerely humble, while not always easy, is the best thing you can be.
19. Doing the things you love, even hobbies in your free time, sometimes takes willpower. It's easier to lay on the sofa but much more rewarding to look back on the painting you finished, blanket you knitted or art print you created.
20. DIY haircuts that you found on YouTube are a bad idea. Period. (As is at-home hair color).
21. It's ok to put yourself out there - even if it's scary at first, it usually pays off.
22. Cooking, while sometimes difficult and annoying, can actually be fun, therapeutic and rewarding.
23. Working out, even if it's only once a week, is still working out. It all makes a difference.
24. Practice makes perfect applies to everything. in. your. life. ever.
25. Things are just that: things. Even the two iPhone 5s' that got stolen in 2014. And things are replaceable.
26. It's never too early (or late) to start taking care of your skin. And I don't care what the skeptics say, my anti-aging oils are working - I can see the difference!
27. Eating right pays off. When you eat good, fresh, healthy foods you feel good, fresh and healthy.
28. It was good to wait to have a baby. Even now, I'm still not sure I'm ready. Is anyone ever really ready?
29. Nothing rewards like living intentionally - whatever that means for you. Live intentionally, always.

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