9 Books to help kick start your creative career

10:53 PM

If you're anything like me you're eager to get your hands on any and all books related to whatever interest you have at the time. Sometimes your Amazon orders hit the mark, but other times not so much. So here's a list of several books I've collected over the last few months that are not only interesting enough to actually read cover to cover, but also include useful things that you can take with you on your own creative journey.

1. Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon

Austin Kleon delivers the 10 things nobody told you about being creative in this short but brilliant book that is hilariously entertaining and surprisingly insightful. Peppered with inspiring quotes and quirky illustrations, this is a book you're certain to flip through more than once.

2. Daring Greatly by Brené Brown

Brené Brown is an expert on vulnerability, courage, authenticity and shame, and she's the woman behind a great TEDx talk that has nearly 23 million views! Her book is extremely accessible for all readers and applicable to everyone really. Why it's great for new creatives? She talks a lot about how being vulnerable helps you achieve happiness and fulfilment. And for me, that has been one of the hardest part of waking my creative self, being vulnerable.

3. Thinking with Type by Ellen Lupton

I could sing Ellen Lupton's praises all the livelong day. This book was the very first book I ordered after becoming interested in design. I did my usual stalker thing and Googled every piece of info about her, watched a lecture I found from her about typography and so on. She is brilliant and entertaining - and knows everything there is to know about typography and graphic design.

4. Creative Confidence: Unleashing the Creative Potential Within Us All by Tom Kelley & David Kelley

I studied Design Thinking at the Hasso Plattner Institut near Berlin where David Kelley, the creator of IDEO, was a name tossed around on a daily basis. So naturally when he published this book with his brother, I was quick to jump on the bandwagon. It's an inspiring read about the creativity that lies within all of us.

5. Logo Design Love: A guide to creating iconic brand identities by David Airey

David Airey shows you how to create a logo from start to finish through case studies, sketches, tips for working with clients, insider stories and more. It's a must-read for anyone interested in design.

6. Make Your Own Luck: A DIY Attitude to Graphic Design and Illustration by Kate Moross

This book was different than I expected - more of a chronicling of Moross's career and less advice you can actually apply to your own experience. But the beautiful graphics and interesting body of Moross' work, paired with her low tolerance for BS and fresh writing tone, keep this one on the list.

7. Graphic Design The New Basics by Ellen Lupton

Yes, Lupton again. Just read all her books.

8. #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso

Amoruso is the woman behind the wildly successful Nasty Gal. She writes about how she went from being broke and posting things on eBay to one of the most successful female entrepreneurs out there. Whether you're a fan of Nasty Gal or not, her book is worth reading.

9. Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die by Chip Heath & Dan Heath

The Heath brothers expand on Malcolm Gladwell's The Tipping Point and the "stickiness" concept of an idea. They explore what makes an idea interesting and memorable. While this book is most likely found on the shelves of the future Mark Zuckerbergs, I found it interesting, easy to read with applicable advice.

What books have you read that inspire your creativity and/or motivate you to do what you love?

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